Our Services

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Our Purpose

To aid in the development of an Organisation's Procurement Vision.


Establish a visible and accepted procurement policy


Set criteria for a procurement strategy


Training and development of procurement staff


Develop the appropriate procurement procedures


Identify potential sourcing savings opportunities


Enabling the transactional procurement process

Our KEY focus is to add value to our customers via a holistic procurement service offering.

We add value by understanding our clients and their needs, taking a customer focused approach as we apply the excellence in our teams to the client. We add to this the skill set of our partners, our knowledge of procurement operating models and our supplier relationships.

THe Services we offer

A summarized offering of services that are offered by DPS. As these can be tailor made to best suit you, negotiations will take place to confirm the Business need and then, a formal Proposal will be submitted.

Our Core Services


-       Strategy management and Strategic Sourcing

-       Contract Management and Administration

-       Governance Processes

-       The development of overarching procurement   strategies incorporating:

-       Savings targets

-       Demand forecasts

-       Spend aggregation

-       Business Process Mapping & Modelling (Optimisation)

-       Expand CLIENT customer offering and application of advanced procurement practices, including collaboration, for exceptional Business results

-       Continuous improvement of suppliers/contractors’ performance and cost management

       Operational Supply Chain

-       Value Chain Definition

-       Framework agreements for proactive procurement

-       Enquiry, tenders and adjudication process

-       Negotiated site-based contracts

-       Amendments and escalations - All contract correspondence

-       Revenue Stream Identification

       Support and Relationship Management

-       Supply Chain Management - Preferential Procurement - continuous improvement of suppliers/contractors’ performance and cost management

-       Content Management 

-       Change Management 

-       Vendor Management


-       Preferential Procurement - continuous improvement of suppliers/contractors’ scorecards

-       BBBEE - Mining Charter

-       Community / Host Community Strategies 

-       Sustainability and Business Ethics

       Materials Management

-       Optimising warehousing and transport (in-bound and outbound) processes

-       Could include implementation of scanning solutions

-       Inventory optimisation

-       Obsolete stock management

-       Key performance measurement and reporting

Strategy Management and Strategic Sourcing
Expand CLIENT customer offering and application of advanced procurement practices, including collaboration, for exceptional Business results.

Supplier Performance Management

Management of performance of partners and suppliers to secure expected results and to deliver beyond expectation.

Contract Management

To secure supply, manage commercial risk and proactively deliver price and cost benefits.

Operational management
The day-to-day supervision of procurement support to project.
Materials Management
Streamline and optimise warehouse and transport processes.